Friday, January 30, 2009

Green Tea: a guide to purchasing quality.

Green Tea: a guide to purchasing quality.
By: EnJie Song

Article Summary: Everyone selling tea online these days seems to offer ‘quality’ or ‘premium’ green tea. This article explores the validity of such claims and advises what characterises quality chinese tea.

There is a strong association between quality of Chinese teas and their enjoyment. Chinese teas are similar to wine in this regard, with local prices for the same tea varying dramatically relative to quality. As an example the local Chinese price for 500 gms of Dragon Well tea (the most popular green), could vary between $US 3 and $US 3,000 (ie a 1000 fold difference) related to perceived quality. ( ie similar to the price difference for a cheap bottle of Chardonay versus a vintage produced in limited quantities by a respected well known brand).

Since the local Chinese market is relatively mature with experienced buyers, the local populace generally understands and accepts this – but other buyers, particularly westerners can become confused by the quality differentials within the same Chinese tea type (ie Dragon Well Tea).

Are all teas labelled with ‘premium’ quality good quality?
Short Answer : No. There are teas on the market labelled ‘exotic’ and ‘authentic’ of very low quality, or with inadequate packaging or storage to enable quality retention.

How important is the geographic association with a tea type?
Tea is an extremely traditional product. It takes a long history to refine the art of production particular to a type of tea produced in an area with conditions favouring that tea variety. For example Dragon Well tea is traditionally produced in the Western Lake area in ZheJiang province, which as a tradition of the best plants and natural conditions for this tea plant. Competition between tea producers in the area has attracted the best craftsmen to grow, harvest and make this tea type. Techniques that give an edge are a closely guarded secret and passed down through families. As such, one would not associate say FuJian Province (where the best Oolong teas are produced) with quality Dragon Well Tea.

Indications of quality green tea
Packaging and storage: This is especially important for green teas. High quality teas, exposed to high temperature, air (oxidation), light and foreign order will deteriorate quickly.

Vacuum sealed and refrigerated after production is an indicator of good quality teas. By contrast Green Tea left sitting on a grocery store shelves, even if in a glossy container (and especially if the container is a glass bottle) rarely are of high quality, since tea quality is degraded by exposure to room temperatures and light.

Appearance: Premium quality teas always have the right appearance.
- Leaf shape: differing green tea varieties may have different shapes as a result of tea making processes - strings, flat, needle shape, spiral and ball shape. Dragon Well tea for instance is a flat tea, the tea leaves ought to be full bodied, flat and smooth.
- Tenderness of the leaves: green teas are made of tender leaf tips, not more than one bud, two leaves. T
- the abundance of white fur on the back of the leaves is also a good indicator as to the freshness and youth of the tea leaves.

Colour: This also varies with the type of tea. Some quality indicators include glossily/fresh green, dark green or green with “tinny” yellow (such as Dragon Well). Indications of low quality are: a variety of tea shapes/lack of body, leaves of various stages (young and old), dull/dark/lack of gloss in colour.

In summary then,by way of example, Dragon Well Tea quality is indicated by flat full leaves of consistent size that are a green with “tinny” yellow leaf colour.

Brewed tea and taste/appearance of quality:
When freshly brewed, a good quality tea should yield:
- A clear tea liquid.
- A fresh aroma.
- A refreshing first taste.
- A lingering after taste.

Indications of low quality: the liquid is cloudy (don’t confuse with the presence of floating fur from young tea leaves which indicates good quality). a bitter or moldy taste. lack of flavour or freshness.

Hints for purchasing premium grade green tea:
-Find a quality supplier: quality tea is far more than growing the plants and drying the tea leaves. There is no lack of self claimed ‘tea experts’, Chinese or otherwise offering ‘quality’ or ‘premium’ teas. A naive consumer could be open to large “mark ups” since there is such a wide range of quality on supply. Understand who your supplier is and their connections.

- Ask for samples or try small quantities first. Check that the samples match the pictures on the web.

- Compare prices based on quality! This may take experience. Price alone does not mean much in a market that has not matured.

- There are suppliers using limited amount of teas leaves mixed with much cheaper ingredients, eg. gogi and roses. True quality teas are ‘dew from heaven (a Chinese tea proverb)’ and have no need for additives to mask flavour.

Family Insurance Plan

Dental Family Insurance Plan

We all are a part of a family. We were born in a family and live with one. People may come and people may go, but families go on for ever.

Family dental plan insurance is something that concerns every single family. Children and adults need to treat their teeth with proper care. Children's teeth are more vulnerable to decay and diseases that it might burn a hole in your pocket every time you visit a dentist.

Each and every dental insurance company provides plans for families. That doesn't necessarily transform into a good plan. Once again, your homework is essential for the vital selection of the plan.

Family dental insurance plan is a very great way to cover your family, at reduced costs and greater benefits. It should include emergencies, fillings and preventive measures too. Not everyone covers this.

Discounted dental insurance plans offer family insurance and helps a long way. It is possible to find but you will have to search for it. A little research is all that needs to be done to find great companies that cover all of your dental needs for your entire family.

Delta is one such insurance company. It is neither a discount company neither is it very expensive. Saving the precious dollar is our concern and so does Delta help us. Very affordable at costs incomparable.

You don't have to run about everywhere searching for those companies when you have them right at your finger tips, just ensure you know where to search and how to search.

Tips on Installing Crown Molding

Tips on Installing Crown Molding
By: Gen Wright

Article Summary: The ceiling is one of the most important area in the house. Why? The next time you have guests coming to your house, observe where they look at when they first step in your house.

The ceiling is one of the most important area in the house. Why? The next time you have guests coming to your house, observe where they look at when they first step in your house. Chances are, they will look towards to ceiling first to get an overall feel of the house before resting their eyes on the details.

As you know, the most common problem with ceilings is that they are often too bare. No designs, no nothing. Just a plain coat of paint. Homeowners who recognize this problem are looking at different ways to make their ceilings look more interesting and exciting. One way to do so, is to install crown molding (or cornices). If you like, you can also install decorative medallions on the ceiling. Here are some tips on how you can install your own crown molding.

Proper planning.

Planning is the most important component of the entire installation process. If you have a poor plan, it may lead to waste of materials and even waste of time. Here is how you can proceed with planning.

First, get as many ideas as you can on crown molding designs. These range from simple designs to complicate but more elegant designs. The key here is not to be overly ambitious. If you are building the crown molding yourself, be sure to choose a design that is within your own level of skills. You may then narrow down on the designs, and choose something that you feel really comfortable with. You may also wish to include other people in the planning process so that you get more feedback. This will help you make better decisions.

Next, start taking measurements. Make plans for the joints, and eliminate any unnecessary joints. Measurements should be as precise as possible so as to avoid wastage. As the planning progresses, you should become clearer on the amount of adhesive and the number of fasteners you need. Once you are confident with the plans, it's time to take action.

Gathering the materials.

Once you have your shopping list ready, it's time to gather the tools and building materials. Make sure that you have everything you need on your list. Otherwise, you may find yourself having to make additional trips back to the store. Save yourself some time by buying everything you need in a single trip.

Getting started with construction.

Use an exclusive work area to layout all your materials and get everything organized. Here is when you should be getting your hands dirty working directly with the materials. Before you start, it is important to ensure that the materials are given ample time to equalize with the current room temperature. Otherwise, measurements may be off.

Usually, crown moldings are finished off with a coat of painting after the installation has been completed. However, it is possible to pre-finish the crown moldings by applying a coat of paint before the moldings are installed. You can then install the molding as per normal.

The success of the project depends very much on your planning and cutting skills. But once the cornices have been successfully installed, you will be able to enjoy a more beautiful ceiling.

Dog arthritis

Dog arthritis – symptoms, prevention and treatment
By: Anne Ming

Article Summary: Arthritis affects people but also our dear pets. Statistics say that in US about 25% of pets are affected by arthritis. As a dog owner and lover, you should pay attention that your non-human friend is always in good mood, playful and that it eats well and healthy food.

Arthritis affects people but also our dear pets. Statistics say that in US about 25% of pets are affected by arthritis. As a dog owner and lover, you should pay attention that your non-human friend is always in good mood, playful and that it eats well and healthy food. But if you do notice changes in your dog’s mood and activity like difficulty sitting, standing, running, climbing stairs, or if it’s less playful, or if it gained weight or its behavior changed you should probably pay your vet a visit. You friend could have arthritis. The veterinarian will do an examination and an X-ray to you dog. If this should be the diagnostic you’ll have to start a treatment immediately. The sooner the disease is discovered the better. But most therapies only ease the pain caused by the inflammation of the joint and decrease the progression of the disease.

Arthritis is a disease where the joint is poorly lubricated and spacing in the joints occurs. There are a couple of factors that can cause arthritis like the age of your dog, overweight, infection, joint trauma, the wear of cartilage, the breakdown of the cartilage which is most likely the result of poor lubrication and hydraulic spacing in the joints. Before you start treating your dog’s arthritis you should talk with a veterinary first. Your vet, before prescribing medications, will do some blood tests to your dog to be sure that you dog will metabolize these drugs and not will suffer from side effects like diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite.

Common treatments include a diet and an exercising plan to lose and maintain a normal weight, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, over-the-counter pet treatments and natural remedies. Many veterinarians prescribe drugs containing glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and methylsulfonylmethane.

Glucosamine is a natural component found in your dog’s cartilage and it’s found mainly in shellfish and sea creatures. Practically, when this component is added to your dog’s diet in higher doses it stimulates the repair of damaged joints. When choosing the right medication containing glucosamine you should always go for a liquid form because it’s active ingredients are absorbed faster and better and where it’s most needed. For dogs with inherited bone conditions, like knee or hip dysphasia, glucosamine supplements may be useful.

They also recommend including in your dog diet, other natural ingredients like Vitamin C, Boswellia, Greenlip Mussels, Zinc Selenium, Manganese, Bromelain that help ease the pain, reduce inflammation and repair the damaged cartilage. For decreasing the inflammatory effects of arthritis antioxidant vitamins and fatty acid supplements are also recommended and used as a natural remedy. Surgery may be offered as an option in cases where there is no improvement from physical therapy or medications or in advanced cases of arthritis. But there are fewer and fewer veterinarians that will accept to perform this kind of procedure as they are not equipped or qualified accordingly.

Prevention is important when it comes to arthritis. If your dog is not affected by arthritis yet you can try to prevent this disease from affecting your dog by starting to include joint support ingredients in their middle years diet, by paying more attention to what your pets eats and in what quantities, by making an yearly appointment to the veterinary. Although glucosamine is a cure it has been shown it is also a good preventive measure.

You should also take into account that recovery of dogs with arthritis takes time and you need to give them proper care and the extra attention.

Deep Sea Waters

Deep Sea Waters
By: brayan.peter

Article Summary: Our Earth’s surface is covered by water up to 71%. Even thought the ocean’s surface is exploited for fishing, transportation and scientific researches, the deepest part of the world’s oceans continues to be untouched by any humans. The deepest seas has many untold mysteries, legends and stories which keep Mankind asking for more and searching for answers for thousands of questions.

Our Earth’s surface is covered by water up to 71%. Even thought the ocean’s surface is exploited for fishing, transportation and scientific researches, the deepest part of the world’s oceans continues to be untouched by any humans. The deepest seas has many untold mysteries, legends and stories which keep Mankind asking for more and searching for answers for thousands of questions.

The deep sea is the part of the ocean below a depth of 200 metres that is in permanent darkness. The abyss, with an average depth of 3.8 kilometres, is the most common environment on Earth.

The sea floor is covered by vast plains of soft sediments made up of fine detritus and particles that drift down from the surface. The water is cold because it comes from the polar regions, and its weight puts considerable pressure on life at the bottom of the sea.

Although the deep sea floor has no plants, our studies show that it is extremely diverse in animal species, often having many more than shallow water. For example, a shallow water area may have only 10 - 20 species of isopod crustaceans, while some deep sea habitats have more than 100 species.

Deep sea animals are similar worldwide. However, most species are highly endemic and limited to small parts of large, seemingly continuous ocean basins.

Because most of us don't have much to do with the deep sea, we often mistreat it. Damage and changes to this environment may last for decades, centuries or even longer. Some things that might damage the deep sea environment are: human rubbish from passing ships, deep ocean mining and drilling, deep sea disposal of liquified carbon dioxide extracted from power plants and global warming.

Deepseawaters Research

NOAA's Undersea Research Program is a comprehensive underwater research program that supports NOAA's mission by providing scientists with the support, tools, and expertise necessary to conduct undersea research of regional, national, and global importance. Of special interest to NURP is research focused on NOAA's management responsibilities in corals, fisheries, and other seafloor ecosystems. NURP is also involved in advancing marine biotechnology through its National Institute for Undersea Science and Technology's (NIUST) National Repository of marine natural products. This repository represents the first intensive survey/sampling of U.S. coral reef organisms that are screened in-house for biomedical and agrochemical potential; and are available to qualified researchers for further biotechnology studies.To achieve success, Ocean Exploration and Research(OER) will create a formal capability within the Science Department with dedicated staff to establish priorities for investment by working with future “users” of the technologies.

Deep Sea Animals

Deep Sea Animals live in the marine ecosystem or in oceans. If you look at the marine biology, you will find millions of species of sea animals. The marine life is a large resource that offers tourism, research and recreation for many countries across the globe. Marine life helps to determine the very nature of our planet. All the Deep Sea Animals along with other organisms such as algae and corals contribute to the oxygen cycle and regulate our earth's climate, this is why the marine ecosystem is considered to be very delicate and it needs to be protected.

Solar Field Technology

Solar Field Technology
By: Anna Williams

Article Summary: Learn about a new broad-scale solar energy solution that can help give us a cleaner future.

The term "Parabolic Trough Solar Field Technology" may be quite a mouth full. But what does it actually mean?

This article will explain what parabolic trough solar field technology is and how this form of alternative energy works to provide solar energy on a broad scale.

Parabolic troughs are a solar energy collecting devices which are used to concentrate sunlight on a specific point.

To understand a little more about this you have to know that solar energy is split up into several different fields or methods.

1. Photovoltaic Solar Energy: this is where solar panels are used to convert sunlight directly into electricity.

2. Solar Water Heating: This is a method of heating up water through the use of solar energy, usually done through flat-plate collectors on the roof of a house. It is a very efficient and energy saving way of heating water even in colder climates.

3. Concentrated Solar Power: Concentrated solar power is created by redirecting or focusing direct sunlight on a certain area in order to heat up liquids or gasses which are then used to generate electricity. Currently this last method is one of the cheapest ways to convert solar energy into electricity.

Concentrated Solar Power

Parabolic troughs belong to the last category I mentioned, concentrated solar power. It is one of the ways of redirecting sunlight and focusing it on a central point.

The focal point (the point where all the sunlight converges) will become extremely hot - hot enough to melt steel, in fact, if a large enough parabolic reflector is used.

To utilize the heat generated by the parabolic reflector, a tube is placed at the focal point and a liquid is pumped through the tube. Due to the amount of heat generated, the liquid inside the tube is heated rapidly, and turned into steam.

Steam then travels through a piping system to a steam turbine, where it is used to generate electricity. And that is what concentrated solar power is in all its simplicity.

Several different methods of achieving the same result have been developed, all of which fall under the category of concentrated solar power technology. Another good example are solar towers.

Parabolic Trough Solar Energy Plants

A parabolic trough power plant consists of a solar field, a number of parabolic mirrors in the form of troughs alongside each other. There are many parallel rows of these solar collectors across the solar field (see picture).

A heat collection element, in the form of tubing placed at the focal point of the troughs, fluid is then pumped through the tubing and is heated as it passes along the sections of parabolic troughs.

The heated fluid is then converted to steam and lead to steam turbines which in turn convert it into electricity.

That's the basic setup of a parabolic trough solar energy plant.

Rocks Also Can Talk

Rocks Also Can Talk
By: Jeff Stats

Article Summary: Garden of the Gods is one of the most interesting and worth seeing rock formations in the state of Colorado. It is located in Colorado and Manitou Springs. The founders of Colorado Springs named it Garden of the Gods because believed that it was a gathering place for Gods. It was also a place where Pueblo Indians lived. In 1879, Charles Perkins, who was a president of the Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad at that time, purchased much of the land of modern Garden of the Gods. After his death, at his request, his family gave the land to the City of Colorado Springs to be used as a park.

Garden of the Gods is one of the most interesting and worth seeing rock formations in the state of Colorado. It is located in Colorado and Manitou Springs. The founders of Colorado Springs named it Garden of the Gods because believed that it was a gathering place for Gods. It was also a place where Pueblo Indians lived. In 1879, Charles Perkins, who was a president of the Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad at that time, purchased much of the land of modern Garden of the Gods. After his death, at his request, his family gave the land to the City of Colorado Springs to be used as a park.

The geology of Garden of the Gods goes back in history for about a billion years ago when the Pikes Peak Granite was formed. The development of present Garden of the Gods owes to three major mountain-building pulses that happened in history. First one took place about three hundred million years ago with the development of Ancestral Rockies; Fountain Formation was deposited then also. The second one happened during Paleocene period that was sixty-seventy million years ago with the tilting up of the Sedimentary formations of the Garden of the Gods. Finally, the third mounting-building pulse was during Miocene Period (twelve-twenty three million years ago) and it resulted the erosion in Rockies. The final shaping of modern Garden of the Gods happened during Holocene Period due to the forces of erosion like wind and sand (because of them Garden of the Gods has a landscape of red rocks).

Probably, the most exciting rock formation in the whole Garden of the Gods is Kissing Camels. It is a very unique rock that looks like two kissing camels. It is like a symbol of Garden of the Gods. The story tells that two Indian lovers named Alpha and Omega, each was from a different tribes that were in war. One day they were caught hugging each other. They were carried to the top of North Gateway Rock, where they were burned to death in separate funeral pyres. "And in the morning," so the legend ends, "when the sun looked on the smoke blackened cliff, there was seen the kneeling figures of two camels with lips pressed together in a deathless kiss of love." The old timers of the city of Colorado Springs, especially native Americans believe in this legend and try to pass it to future generations, so the myth of Kissing Camels will be always alive.

Another interesting one is the double formation. Its name depends on the side that people look at it from. If one looks from the east he or she would name it the Siamese Twins; looking from the south the two rocks seem to line up to form one, and together with a nearby rock become Punch and Judy.

What kind of Garden of the Gods it would be without a cave? Of course, it has a cave. The cave discovered by Spaulding gained its popularity over the years. In the summer of 1858 the Lawrence Party of gold seekers used it as shelter from the afternoon thunderstorms. In 1859 a young gold seeker from Illinois crawled up the narrow passageway into the great cave; he wrote that his whispers echoed off the cavern walls like the sounds of thunder.

The cave’s dark passageways were explored by the visitors for the next half a century; and it almost became a tradition for the visitors to carve their names on the walls of the cave. By the end of the century, the entrance of the cave became covered with bushes and the because of that the cave kind of disappeared from visitors. However, in 1935 the entrance was re-discovered. The park authorities planned to allow visitors inside the cave but due to the falling rocks they had to change their minds and the entrance was sealed forever. The only way to learn about the Spaulding’s cave is to use earlier visitors’ notes.

Garden of the Gods with its myths and legends is the inseparable part of our state’s history which is a component of the history of our nation. Just like old timers of Colorado tell us the stories about our state we will have to tell these stories to the future generations. So, we should all keep these stories and not let them die. It should be a lot easier to find stories like the ones I wrote about.

Herbal Depression Treatment

Herbal Depression Treatment
By: James maklan

Article Summary: Depression is a mental affliction that affects millions of people worldwide. People may get depressed in response to a particularly sad event like the death of a close person. However there are many other causes that lead to depression including physical illness, stress, medications and social problems amongst other factors.

Depression is a mental affliction that affects millions of people worldwide. People may get depressed in response to a particularly sad event like the death of a close person. However there are many other causes that lead to depression including physical illness, stress, medications and social problems amongst other factors. The symptoms of depression include:
• Sense of hopelessness and sadness
• Sad and empty feeling
• Insomnia
• Feelings of helplessness and worthlessness
• Loss of energy and feeling of constant fatigue
• Overeating or starving
• Inability to concentrate or focus on any task at hand
• Lack of motivation to do anything or get anything done
• Decreased social interaction and the sense of isolation that results from it
• Thoughts of death and suicide
These symptoms may range from mild to severe and the impact will depend upon the intensity of the symptoms. In very severe cases, depression can lead to suicides amongst both teenagers and adults. Considering how serious this condition is, we do not have too many effective treatments for depression. Currently, depression can only be treated with mood enhancers, therapy or a combination of the two. A number of people completely get put off any depression treatment simply because it either too expensive or it doesn’t act fast enough. On the other hand, after the serious side effects of Zoloft, one of the most popular antidepressants, came to light, there has been no effective Zoloft alternative or natural remedy for depression available in the market to cure anxiety effectively.
The crying need at the moment is natural depression cures that are fast acting and do not cause any harmful side effects. Let me introduce you to Vilift, a product of 9 years of extensive research in Swiss laboratories. It is a 100% herbal product made from natural herbs for depression, known for their effectiveness in curing depression. It acts as quickly as within 20 minutes of consumption and has no side effects whatsoever. Vi lift, originally marketed only in Switzerland is now available globally thanks to its immense overnight popularity.
Vilift is a natural antidepressant that not only cures depression, but creates a sense of well being in a person suffering from depression. It is also a natural mood enhancer which keeps you in a good mood at all times and prevents violent mood swings. It is also a natural anxiety medicine and prevents the recurrence of anxiety attacks that are very common symptoms of depression. It also helps you eliminate stressful thoughts and reduces mental stress. Sleeplessness is another common symptom of depression and Vilift also ensures that you get good, restful sleep every night. It fills you up with physical energy and ensures that you are completely rid of fatigue and tiredness. It brings back your appetite and helps you restore your body’s health. It takes away the feelings of sadness, hopelessness and worthlessness and helps you create a sense of purpose for yourself and your life.
So what are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose except your depression, that too without any side effects. After all, 7 million satisfied users around the world can’t be wrong.

Four Tips For Diabetics

Natural Blood Sugar Level Remedies: Four Tips For Diabetics
By: Robert P. Tracy

Article Summary: Leading prescription drugs, including Avandia, Actos and others have proven to lower diabetic blood sugar levels, but at a high cost. Side effects from these treatments can cause heart illness and heart attacks. Type 2 diabetics seeking natural, alternative remedies need to consider these four tips before taking supplements.

Type 2 diabetics have tried to follow their doctor's advice of dieting and exercise to lower their blood sugar levels and weight. But there is more.

Sometimes, that's not enough to get their blood sugar under control and prescription drugs are required.

Metformin, one of the most popular drugs without a medical alert, can cause rapid weight gain, a problem that undermines it's ability to lower blood sugar.

Most commonly prescribed products, such as Avandia and Actos, have been 'black labeled' by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as having dangerous side effects. These are umong the top durgs for lowering blood sugar.

Even those other drugs, proven to lower blood sugar, without posing a fatal health risk, have problematic side effects as well.

That's why more and more diabetics are looking for over-the-counter natural herbal supplements that contain all natural ingredients, most commonly botanicals and herbs.

Here are four tips for Type 2 diabetics, looking to improve their blood sugar levels, without prescription drugs:

Tip #1: Make Sure All Claims Are Supported by Clinical Tests

Clinical tests are mandatory for prescription drugs. But non-prescription drugs are not subject to the same scientific scrutiny. Beware! Many manufacturers of 'natural products' claim benefits that were concocted in their head, not by nature. Look for documentation of clinical testing, conducted at reputable medical institutions that can support all blood sugar control claims.

Tip #2: Beware of 'Overnight' Results

No legitimate provider of natural remedies will make 'overnight' claims of blood sugar control. It took you years of fatty diets and couch potato activity to get in your current condition.

A single pill, taken for several days or weeks cannot undo the damage. Look for claims based on gradual results, realized over a month to three month period.

Tip #3: Make Sure the Product Has Been Safety Tested

It's not enough that the natural product you may be considering is effective in lowering blood sugar levels. It's also important that it be safe for both short and long term use.

Look for independent test results that confirm the product is GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) certification from respected organizations such as the Burdock Group.

Tip #4: Beware of the Country the Product Is Manufactured In

Different countries have different standards of product purity, manufacturing cleanliness and packaging of ingredients.

Media reports over the last several years have highlighted the fact that some Asian countries have less stringent quality control and cleanliness than those in the United States.

One of the best ways to know if your supplement is manufactured to high quality standards is to look for the USP (US Pharmacopeia) or NF (National Formulary) symbols.

These groups certify that the product is manufactured in conformance with GMP or good manufacturing procedures.

One tip that should go without saying is to consult with your doctor before taking any natural remedy.

While most doctors have a strong preference for prescription drugs versus natural treatments, is strongly advised that you consider your doctor's opinion before taking any product.

Become your doctor's worst nightmare, an "internet savvy patient" with

Home Staging Ideas

Home Staging Ideas: Tips for Remodeling Your Bathroom
By: John Mangano

Article Summary: Consider these home staging tips if you’re thinking about a new look for your bathroom or are attempting to stage your home to sell.

Bathrooms have an average recoup rate of 102 percent – that is a great return on your investment. A minor bathroom update replacing the sink, bath, tile, floors, toilet, vanity and fixtures will cost around $9,750 and a recently renovated bathroom like that will generally bring in an average of $10,700 at resale. A fresh coat of paint and a tub re-glaze are inexpensive options that can really make an old bathroom look brand new. Bleaching and scrubbing grout and re-caulking around the tub can really take years off an outdated bathroom as well. These are just a few of the many home staging ideas that exist for your current home or for a property you are trying to sell. Whatever the case, the following are great tips to consider when remodeling a bathroom.

Step 1

Decide on a budget. You can remodel a bathroom for a fraction of the cost by doing it yourself or you can have it done by a professional contractor. Renovating inexpensively doesn't always mean going with cheap materials necessarily. It is simply finding the ways and means to renovate using good materials and staying within your budget.
• Write down how many tiles you need to buy.
• What kind of sink or faucet you will use.
• Are you going to have a full remodel or a partial remodel?
• Will you be re-using existing cabinetry or existing shower doors or are you replacing them?

The answers to these questions will impact your budget. It is important to have a fixed budget and to stick with it!

Step 2

Draw out a plan of action. Before you start ripping off the dated tiles, you need to have a solid plan.
• Are you doing a full remodel?
• Are you going to change the footprint of the bathroom?

If you are, then that would mean you might have to re-work the plumbing and electricity. Include the new pricing in your budget.

Step 3
Do it Your-self or “not”. The largest amount of money people spend often goes to labor more than materials. If you do most of the work yourself, you would be surprised at how much money you would save with the project. If you are not a handy person, hire a reputable contractor.

Step 4

Hire reputable workers and contractors by being your own subcontractor. Eliminate the middle person, and hire the contractors directly yourself. You can go to home improvement stores in your area and request information of contractors they can refer to you. They would be more than willing to assist since you are buying materials from them. Also, ask for references through any of your friends or industry professionals.

Step 5

Buy materials directly through distributors and shop around for best prices. Make sure to measure correctly. Discontinued tiles are priced lower since they will no longer be available; just make sure to buy an extra box or two for future needs. There are Internet discount stores you can buy from as well. If you are planning on buying granite to replace your current counter, you can buy directly from manufacturers. Ask for scraps and see if your measurement fits, then pay a little bit of extra for finishing the edge and cutting a hole. A standard sized one sink vanity would cost anywhere between $100 - 250 if the scrap materials are available. Most manufacturers and dealers would be willing to negotiate on the price rather than just letting these unused pieces go to waste. If you cannot find bargain granite slabs, buy granite tiles instead to keep that look.

Step 6

Use existing cabinets, toilets, bathtubs and shower doors. You can refurbish or refinish them to make them look brand new again. Do not buy a new mirror if your existing one still works, you can frame it to make it look attractive.
Inexpensive (DIY) Options

Take a good look at the walls. A new coat of paint can change the look of any room and give it the new look you're looking for. Painting your walls is easy and doesn't take a whole lot of time. You'll be surprised at what paint does to a room and this won't break your budget.

Fixtures are another easy thing to change in your bathroom without spending your entire budget. You can buy some nice new fixtures for the sink and bathtub, and new light fixtures that are inexpensive from any home center like Lowe's or Home Depot. You can hand pick them yourself and spend as much or as little as you want. The nice part about buying new fixtures from a home center is that if you have absolutely no experience taking old ones off and putting new ones back on, employee specialists can help and show you how to do it.

If you are experienced with tile, you might want to consider laying tile on your bathroom floor. They are relatively inexpensive and if you do the work yourself you don't have to pay for any labor. Tile is very popular and is a great way to change the look of an old floor. If tile is not an option however you can always lay linoleum. You can buy it in sheets or lay the linoleum squares. Both are inexpensive and easy to do. Changing the look of your floor can make a big difference.

Shower Area
Hit the shower. Nothing says "spa" like a great showerhead, and some styles, such as distinctive-looking rain-jet showerheads, provide visual interest as well as a great shower. Adjustable-height, hand-held showerheads can satisfy the tallest (or shortest) person, and also can be used as a sprayer for an easier method for cleaning the tub or shower.

Replace old single pane mirrors with picture frame mirrors. This is an inexpensive way to update and add charm to the bathroom. Mirrors cost between $20 - $80 each and are easy to mount.