Friday, January 30, 2009

Four Tips For Diabetics

Natural Blood Sugar Level Remedies: Four Tips For Diabetics
By: Robert P. Tracy

Article Summary: Leading prescription drugs, including Avandia, Actos and others have proven to lower diabetic blood sugar levels, but at a high cost. Side effects from these treatments can cause heart illness and heart attacks. Type 2 diabetics seeking natural, alternative remedies need to consider these four tips before taking supplements.

Type 2 diabetics have tried to follow their doctor's advice of dieting and exercise to lower their blood sugar levels and weight. But there is more.

Sometimes, that's not enough to get their blood sugar under control and prescription drugs are required.

Metformin, one of the most popular drugs without a medical alert, can cause rapid weight gain, a problem that undermines it's ability to lower blood sugar.

Most commonly prescribed products, such as Avandia and Actos, have been 'black labeled' by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as having dangerous side effects. These are umong the top durgs for lowering blood sugar.

Even those other drugs, proven to lower blood sugar, without posing a fatal health risk, have problematic side effects as well.

That's why more and more diabetics are looking for over-the-counter natural herbal supplements that contain all natural ingredients, most commonly botanicals and herbs.

Here are four tips for Type 2 diabetics, looking to improve their blood sugar levels, without prescription drugs:

Tip #1: Make Sure All Claims Are Supported by Clinical Tests

Clinical tests are mandatory for prescription drugs. But non-prescription drugs are not subject to the same scientific scrutiny. Beware! Many manufacturers of 'natural products' claim benefits that were concocted in their head, not by nature. Look for documentation of clinical testing, conducted at reputable medical institutions that can support all blood sugar control claims.

Tip #2: Beware of 'Overnight' Results

No legitimate provider of natural remedies will make 'overnight' claims of blood sugar control. It took you years of fatty diets and couch potato activity to get in your current condition.

A single pill, taken for several days or weeks cannot undo the damage. Look for claims based on gradual results, realized over a month to three month period.

Tip #3: Make Sure the Product Has Been Safety Tested

It's not enough that the natural product you may be considering is effective in lowering blood sugar levels. It's also important that it be safe for both short and long term use.

Look for independent test results that confirm the product is GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) certification from respected organizations such as the Burdock Group.

Tip #4: Beware of the Country the Product Is Manufactured In

Different countries have different standards of product purity, manufacturing cleanliness and packaging of ingredients.

Media reports over the last several years have highlighted the fact that some Asian countries have less stringent quality control and cleanliness than those in the United States.

One of the best ways to know if your supplement is manufactured to high quality standards is to look for the USP (US Pharmacopeia) or NF (National Formulary) symbols.

These groups certify that the product is manufactured in conformance with GMP or good manufacturing procedures.

One tip that should go without saying is to consult with your doctor before taking any natural remedy.

While most doctors have a strong preference for prescription drugs versus natural treatments, is strongly advised that you consider your doctor's opinion before taking any product.

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